Wright Knox Motor Lines, Inc.


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About Wright Knox Motor Lines, Inc.

FOR VEHICLE SERVICES (TITLES & REGISTRATION) PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR HOURS WRIGHT KNOX MOTOR LINES, INC. is a family owned OTR trucking company that treats their employees like they ARE family. A VERY OLD CONCEPT We treat our employees just like your grandfathers were treated when they worked hard to provide for their families. DON'T YOU DESERVE THE SAME RESPECT? Make a change in your life and your family's, come home to people you know, and more important, we will know you because we will see you EVERY WEEK. Even if you like coast to coast, you will be home every 10-11 days, then off for 3-4 days for family time !!! (They will have your "free" time all planned for you, no need to worry). AND just as it is important to maintain your family and friends relationships, we maintain your equipment, so you get home safely to do it all over again. YES, a vicious circle, but one that works well for all. If your OTR job keeps you from making real family and friend plans, and you have no idea when you will be home, YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF AND FAMILY TO MAKE A CHANGE FOR A BETTER LIFE FOR ALL OF YOU.

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